PlayCulture is supported entirely by our fabulous community and we exist to give everyone access to play. If you like what we're doing, please consider donating to help us grow!
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I had so much fun! Definitely a very welcoming environment with lots of great people. It was a great way to unwind/de-stress
I attended the Summer Camp three weeks after my first PlayCulture event and it was wonderful. I especially loved the games involving teamwork. I had an absolute blast with the rope maze, both the designing and the participating were a ton of fun
I think for a lot of us it was more than just play, it was a safe space to be ourselves and to have fun. I enjoyed meeting like-minded people who love playing as much as me!
Camp was such a great way to spend the weekend!! I loved how conversations just flowed with anyone you turned around to talk to. All the Playculture games got me pumped up and yet I felt so relaxed and calm at the end of the day
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